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I minister under license from the Good Shepherd Companions, an Ecumenical Catholic Ordinariate [see "Useful Links" at lower left]. I offer non-judgmental ministry in the Catholic Tradition to those who desire faith-centered services. I will accommodate you when your parish will not: if one of you is divorced, or if you no longer attend Church but still identify yourself as Catholic, you are welcome. The Roman Catholic Church would not consider a marriage performed by me [or anyone not licensed by them] as valid. However, it would be considered valid by the State, and, we believe, in the eyes of God. If you should engage my services, please inform all significant family members, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters that I am not a Roman Catholic cleric and am NOT licensed by the Roman Catholic Church.

In case of emergency, and you cannot contact me, contact Kevin McFarland at 860-995-1213

A note about "Useful Links"

Be aware that if you click on any of the links, you might navigate away from this site, and to return you will need to click on the back button.

Serve the Lord with Gladness (Psalm 100)

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